Poarch Creek Indians’ Media Fusion Awarded Small Business Contractor of the Year by NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Atmore, Ala.  –

The Poarch Creek Indians are proud to announce that Media Fusion, a tribally-owned business, has been awarded the prestigious Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year award by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. The award was presented during the 38th meeting of the Marshall Small Business Alliance. 

This event, held at the Davidson Center for Space Exploration in Huntsville, was established to recognize companies and leaders for their support of the center’s small business programs and NASA’s mission of exploration. This recognition bestowed on Media Fusion highlights the company’s outstanding contributions in providing creative services, multimedia support, and technology solutions to NASA. 

“We are excited about this year’s winners,” said David Brock, small business specialist, NASA Office of Small Business Programs at Marshall. “Each plays a key role in helping NASA/MSFC achieve successes in support of key programs and projects, including the Human Landing System and Space Launch System rocket. Maintaining and sustaining an experienced and competitive industry base is what makes America strong, and small businesses are at the core of those successes.”

Richard Williams, CEO of Media Fusion, expressed his gratitude, stating, “It is an incredible honor to be recognized by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center as the Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year. This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team and the partnership we have with NASA. We are proud to play a role in communicating their ambitious goals.”

Poarch Creek Indians Tribal Chair and CEO, Stephanie A. Bryan, commended the achievement, saying, “Our Tribe is thrilled that Media Fusion, one of our tribally-owned businesses, is the recipient of NASA’s “Small Business of the Year” award,” remarked the Poarch Creek Indians Tribal Chair and CEO, Stephanie A. Bryan. “We are extremely proud that Media Fusion has had the honor of working with NASA for several years, and we are gratified that their work has been deemed to be truly exceptional by NASA, the world leader in space research and exploration.”

This award signifies the Poarch Creek Indians’ commitment to fostering successful ventures that contribute to the economic advancement of both the Tribe and the nation. For more information on the Poarch Creek Indians, visit poarchcreekindians.org.


Kristin Hellmich
(251) 359-8554

About the Poarch Band of Creek Indians:

The Poarch Band of Creek Indians is the only federally recognized tribe in Alabama. From hospitality to aerospace, we continue to operate in a variety of industries across the World. Read more about our Tribe here.

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