Regulatory Affairs

Unwavering dedication to our Citizens

The Regulatory Affairs Division is organized to oversee the regulatory and compliance areas of the following departments/offices: Environmental Department, Tribal Employment Rights Office, and Tribal Historic Preservation Office. This division also facilitates oversight through the operations of the Tribal Regulatory Commission and the Tribal Grievance Board.
Regulatory Affairs Division Director: Russell Martin

* The categorization and listing of departments on this website do not reflect the official organizational structure or hierarchy of the Tribal government.

Departments & Contacts

Office of Archives & Records Management

Established by the Tribal Council in 2010 under the Records Management Ordinance, the Office of Archives and Records Management endeavors to fulfill our mission to preserve, manage, acquire and maintain treasured records related to the Poarch Creek Indians. Dr. Deidra Suwanee Dees serves on our Team as the Director/Tribal Archivist overseeing the Office of Archives and Records Management.


Rusty Martin
Division Director
(251) 368-9136 Ext. 2532

Emily Fayard
Records Management Manager
(251) 368-9136 Ext. 2962

Tribal Employee Rights Office (TERO)

In an effort to remediate historical employment disadvantages experienced by Tribal Citizens, the Poarch Creek Indians passed the Tribal Employee Rights Ordinance (Title 33). Title 33 was first established in March 27, 1988 and later amended in its entirety on March 17, 2009. Tribal Citizens, their First Generation Descendants, Tribal spouses, and enrolled members of other federally recognized Native American tribes enjoy certain employment preferences. The law also establishes protection from unlawful discrimination for all Tribal Employees within TERO’s jurisdiction. Title 33 further provides for preferences in contracting to Tribal Citizen and other Native American owned business entities that become TERO-certified.

Forms and applications:


Wesley Manning
TERO Director

Addie McGhee
TERO Administrative Assistant
(251) 368-9136 Ext. 2029

Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO)

The Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO) ensures compliance with applicable tribal, state, and federal laws written to provide tribes the opportunity and authority to preserve and protect historic sites or cultural properties important to the tribe. The laws include; National Historic Preservation Act, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, and Archeological Resources Protection Act. In addition to federal law compliance, the THPO has been designated by the Tribal Council to be the primary source for Poarch Creek Tribal History.

Forms and applications:


Billy Bailey
Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO)

Ashley Lowe
THPO Administrative Assistant
(251) 368-9136 Ext. 2084

Tribal Grievance Board

Originally the Grievance and Appeal Process was handled by the Department, which authorized program services. The Department provided a grievance process through their individual program policy and a hearing process up to the level of Tribal Administration. A few departments were established as Authorities and were governed by a Board of Directors. These boards acted as the authority to hear grievances filed against the denial of program services.

Learn more:


“To ensure fair and equitable treatment for services provided by the Tribe and to alleviate any program discrepancies that do not promote a fair and objective application process. Provide thorough and accurate information to ensure all grievances are handled in accordance with all tribal government policies and procedures.  Provide an appeal process when denied services after exhausting administrative remedies.”


On February 19, 2015, Tribal Council Resolution 2015-027 approved the establishment of the Tribal Grievance Board upon repeal of the governing Boards for the Housing Authority, Calvin McGhee Cultural Authority, and Recreation Authority in order to provide a mechanism for Tribal Citizens and other program applicants to file their grievances which would have previously been addressed by those Boards.

The Tribal Grievance Board was established and granted authority, effective April 1, 2015, to hear grievances regarding alleged violations by Tribal Government departments’ established policies. The Tribal Grievance Board was appointed with establishing a method for the redress of grievances related to or arising from policy concerns or alleged violations.

Additionally, Tribal Council Resolution 2015-126 on December 17, 2015 approved the organizational placement of the Tribal Grievance Board under the Regulatory, Grants and Compliance Division, now referred to as Regulatory Affairs Division. Although the Tribal Grievance Board is structured under the Regulatory Affairs Division it operates independently to ensure an objective review and ruling on grievance appeals. The Regulatory Affairs Division Office acts as the registered agent and is authorized to receive service of process as a part of the administrative functions necessary to support the Tribal Grievance Board.

The Tribal Grievance Board is further organized under Title 51 (Board and Committee Act) of the Tribal Code. To view Tribal law under specific titles, visit here.  Refer to websites the other departments under Tribal Government to view programs subject to the jurisdiction of the Tribal Grievance Board.

Purpose and values

The Tribal Grievance Board is delegated with the duties and responsibilities to provide Tribal Members and other program applicants with an appeal process to hear grievances regarding alleged violations of Tribal Government departments arising from established policies.


The Tribal Grievance Board consists of seven (7) members and two (2) alternates appointed by the Tribal Council.  The Board Chair is appointed separately by Tribal Council for a three (3) year term.  After the initial staggered terms were established in 201 for other Board members, they are now all three (3) year terms.  Board members continue in their appointed positions until his or her successor is duly appointed and installed.

The Board is scheduled to meet quarterly on the 4th Tuesday of first month of each quarter or whenever a special meeting is called to hold an appeal hearing.

Forms and applications:


Andrea McGhee
Board Chair

April “Sue” Dortch

Teresa McElhenie
Randolph Martin
Kathy Ward
Pamela McGhee Yates
Brooke Tullis Geck
Kim Bragg (Alternate)
Sarah Stacey (Alternate)

Tribal Regulatory Commission

The Poarch Creek Indians Employment Rights Commission “TERO Commission” was first established by Tribal Council Ordinance 88:001A on March 27, 1988 to fulfill the directives of and ensure compliance with the Indian Preference in Employment and Tribal Employment Rights. Its sole oversight was to ensure the Indian Preference Program was being administered correctly for Tribal Government and all of its entities.

Learn more:

Purpose and values

The Tribal Regulatory Commission is organized under Title 51 to promulgate and enforce rules and regulations under Titles 26 (Environmental), 33 (Tribal Employment Rights), 36 (Tribal Historic Preservation), 49 (Tribal Athletic Regulation Act) of the Tribal Code and Tribal laws; including to manage and monitor associated program activities.


The Poarch Creek Indians Employment Rights Commission “TERO Commission” was first established by Tribal Council Ordinance 88:001A on March 27, 1988 to fulfill the directives of and ensure compliance with the Indian Preference in Employment and Tribal Employment Rights.  Its sole oversight was to ensure the Indian Preference Program was being administered correctly for Tribal Government and all of its entities.

On May 7, 2015, Tribal Council Ordinance 2015-12 reorganized the TERO Commission into the Tribal Regulatory Commission under Title 51 (Tribal Regulatory Commission) of the Tribal Code.  The authority of the new Commission was expanded to include monitoring and regulating the environmental issues on Tribal lands, employment rights issues, the historic and cultural resources of the Poarch Creek Indians, and sporting events conducted on the Reservation for commercial gain.  The Commission also has regulatory responsibilities under Title 37 (Procurement) of the Tribal Code.


The Tribal Regulatory Commission, established by Title 51 (Tribal Regulatory Commission) whose members are appointed in accordance with Title 45 (Board and Committee Organization Act), is charged with managing and monitoring the Tribe’s Environmental Program consistent with Title 26 and Tribal law, the activities of the TERO Office consistent with Title 33 and Tribal law, the activities of the Office of Historic Preservation consistent with Title 39 and Tribal law, and all sporting events conducted on the reservation consistent with Title 49.

As such, the Tribal Regulatory Commission’s powers and duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Conducting hearing pertaining to revocation, suspension, or modification of environmental permits (Title26);
  • In consultation with the appropriate legislative committee, hold public hearings on Tribal employment rights issues, initiate and assist in public education efforts, and encourage Indian employment and economy (Title 39);
  • Hold hearings to adjudicate complaints and appeals from the actions of the Director using the procedure set forth in Chapters 2 and 8 of Title 33, and issue subpoenas to non-Tribal parties;
  • Establish rules, regulations, and policies governing Bidder responsibility and debarment and suspension proceedings under Chapter 4 of the Procurement Title;
  • Reviewing and assisting with the THPO’s regulatory decisions and historic preservation efforts;
  • Serving as the appellate review board for denials, suspensions, and revocations of permits or certification for artisans;
  • Concurring with or dissenting from the THPO’s recommendations that Tribal Land or tribally-own building be placed on the Tribal Historic Register or National Register;
  • Reviewing any comprehensive archaeological and historic preservation plans prior to submission to the Tribal Council for final approval;
  • Monitoring sporting activities on the Reservation to ensure compliance with Tribal Law (Title 49);
  • Granting, denying, suspending, or revoking a permit for a Sporting Event or license for a Sporting Official;

To view Tribal law under these titles, click here. Refer to the departments under the Regulatory Affairs Division to view programs administered and those subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission.

Forms and applications:

Committee Members


William “Joey” Selzer
Vice Chair

Sherell Hendrickson

Carol Cole
Steven Ledkins
Pamela Etheridge
Elisha McGhee
Michael Rigby

Grants & Compliance

The Grants & Compliance Department within the Tribal Government is dedicated to securing funding opportunities and ensuring adherence to all regulatory and legal standards. This department plays a crucial role in identifying, applying for, and managing grants that support various Tribal programs and initiatives. It works closely with federal, state, and private funding sources to maximize resources for the community’s benefit. Additionally, the department is responsible for monitoring compliance with the terms of each grant, as well as with broader legal and regulatory requirements. Through meticulous oversight and strategic funding acquisition, the Grants & Compliance Department aims to advance the Tribe’s objectives and sustain its future prosperity.


Arlene Mack
Grants & Special Projects Manager
(251) 368-9136 ext. 2308

Our Government

In accordance with the constitution, which was adopted on June 1,1985, the Poarch Creek Indians is governed by a nine member elected Tribal Council. A fulltime staff is employed to provide administrative support for the operation of the Tribal government and programs.

For more information please visit The Roundhouse

Only available to Poarch Creek Tribal Citizens and Tribal Government Employees


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The Roundhouse is accessible to Tribal Citizens and Tribal Government Employees only. For login assistance, please email or call Sharon Delmar at (251) 368-9136 ext 2216

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