Our Story

Seeking Prosperity and Self-Determination

The Poarch Creek Indians have fought hard to preserve their proud heritage while moving forward into the mainstream of today’s modern society. The Tribe’s determination to maintain both their identity and inherent right to self-govern is evident by their continued efforts to preserve their Tribal culture and improve their community.

“The Poarch Creek Indians are the only federally recognized Indian Tribe in the State of Alabama, operating as a sovereign nation with their own system of government and bylaws.”

Learn more about our People


The Poarch Creek Indians are descendants of a segment of the original Creek Nation that once covered almost all of

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Tribal Leaders bring together expert knowledge to secure the health, education, and well-being of the Tribal Members today and in

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Charitable Giving

The relationship between Native Americans and those who came to our shores from abroad has frequently been contentious, especially in

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The Forgotten Creeks

“The Forgotten Creeks” recalls the history of Alabama’s Mvskoke Creek Indians from Spanish contact in the 1500’s through the Indian

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Reservation Map

Explore our Tribal Community—a part of Alabama’s history, its present, and its future. The Reservation is located eight miles northwest

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Contact Us

Our directory of services includes contact information for Tribal offices, departments, programs, businesses, and relevant agencies. If you are looking

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Woven Together

To learn more about our history, read “Woven Together, The Story of the Poarch Creek Indians.” Click below to read online or to purchase our hardback coffee table book for your home.


Get access

For Tribal Bill Pay login assistance, contact Candy Byrd at (251) 368-9136 ext 2006 or cbyrd@pci-nsn.gov

The Roundhouse is accessible to Tribal Citizens and Tribal Government Employees only. For login assistance, please email theroundhouse@pci-nsn.gov or call Sharon Delmar at (251) 368-9136 ext 2216

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