Public Safety

Ensuring safety and trust

The Public Safety Division is responsible for protecting the Poarch Creek Indian Tribal Community citizens. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life, safety, and security of the Poarch Creek Community. We strive each and every day to earn the trust, confidence and respect of the Tribal community. The Division works closely with our city, state, federal law enforcement, emergency management and other court systems to ensure the safety of all of Poarch Creek Indian Reservation. For more information contact: Rebecca Mills, Public Safety Division Executive Assistant at (251) 368-9136 Ext. 2262 or
Public Safety Division Director: Bruce Lee

* The categorization and listing of departments on this website do not reflect the official organizational structure or hierarchy of the Tribal government.

Services, Departments & Leadership

Tribal Emergency Services

Tribal Emergency Services (TES) has strengthened and seen vast growth since its opening in 1988 as a volunteer fire department. The department today includes both paid and volunteer firefighters, paramedics and emergency medical technicians who have all completed a 160-hour course over a six month period. The department participates in and sponsors many community activities throughout the year, and provides medical assistance.

There are currently two fire stations:

Station 1
5971 Jack Springs Road
Atmore, Alabama 36502

Station 2
845 Poarch Road
Atmore, Alabama 36502


April Sells
Tribal Emergency Services Director

Heather Weaver
Tribal Emergency Services Manager
(251) 368-9136 Ext. 2116

Tribal Police Department

The Tribal Police Department of the Poarch Creek Indians operates under the Special Law Enforcement Commission of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). The Tribe has cross-deputation agreements with Escambia County Alabama Sheriff’s Department, the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department and the City of Wetumpka Police Department due to the locations of properties owned and operated by the Tribe in those jurisdictions. These agreements allow Tribal Police officers to service the areas surrounding their trust properties. The Tribal Police Department also actively participates in the 21st Judicial Circuit Drug Task Force and the Elmore County Drug Task Force.


Connie Vickery
Tribal Police Department
Executive Assistant
(251) 368-9136 Ext. 2621

Our Government

In accordance with the constitution, which was adopted on June 1,1985, the Poarch Creek Indians is governed by a nine member elected Tribal Council. A fulltime staff is employed to provide administrative support for the operation of the Tribal government and programs.

For more information please visit The Roundhouse

Only available to Poarch Creek Tribal Citizens and Tribal Government Employees


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For Tribal Bill Pay login assistance, contact Candy Byrd at (251) 368-9136 ext 2006 or

The Roundhouse is accessible to Tribal Citizens and Tribal Government Employees only. For login assistance, please email or call Sharon Delmar at (251) 368-9136 ext 2216

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