
Navigating modern legislature together

The Poarch Creek Indians Legal Department assists PCI enterprises and Tribal departments in a legal capacity to support the daily operations of the Tribe while maintaining policies and codes to better protect the Tribe, its citizens, and resources. The team’s goal is to develop and maintain legal infrastructure necessary for governance, including policies, resolutions, and ordinances. They also advocate for the Tribe before federal, state, and tribal judicial forums.

* The categorization and listing of departments on this website do not reflect the official organizational structure or hierarchy of the Tribal government.

Departments & Contacts

Legal Department

The mission of the Legal Department is to protect all Tribal assets, defend the integrity of the Tribe and its sovereignty, and assist and advise all Tribal entities in their pursuit of progress on behalf of Tribal Citizens. The Legal Department is responsible for providing legal services and representation to the Tribal Council, Tribal Government, and all Tribal authorities, commissions, enterprises and other entities.

Areas of responsibility include, but are not limited to:
General Counsel to Tribal Council, Litigation and Regulatory Affairs, Government Operations and Legislative Affairs, Tribal and Economic Development, Gaming Operations


Lori Stinson
Attorney General

Gia Langham
Executive Assistant
(251) 368-9136 Ext. 2525

Tribal Court

The Judicial Power of the Poarch Creek Indians is vested exclusively in a Judicial System which consists of a Tribal Supreme Court and a Tribal Court of General Jurisdiction known as the Tribal Court. The Courts have authority provided through Tribal Codes approved by the Tribal Council. The Tribal Supreme Court also has the authority to promulgate rules of the Court for the Administration of the Judicial System, Rules of Civil Procedure, and Rules of Criminal Procedure.

The overall goal of the Tribal Judicial System is to institutionalize the rule of the law in the enhancement of the Tribe’s capability to provide judicial services to its Tribal Citizens. The Tribal Judicial System is operated for the benefit of Tribal Citizens as an important exercise of sovereignty.


Keesha O’Barr Frye
Tribal Court Director

Angela White
Tribal Court Assistant
(251) 368-9136 Ext. 2663

Our Tribal Code

View the approved tribal code regarding the sovereign authority and the Constitution of the Poarch Creek Indians.

Our Government

In accordance with the constitution, which was adopted on June 1,1985, the Poarch Creek Indians is governed by a nine member elected Tribal Council. A fulltime staff is employed to provide administrative support for the operation of the Tribal government and programs.

For more information please visit The Roundhouse

Only available to Poarch Creek Tribal Citizens and Tribal Government Employees


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For Tribal Bill Pay login assistance, contact Candy Byrd at (251) 368-9136 ext 2006 or

The Roundhouse is accessible to Tribal Citizens and Tribal Government Employees only. For login assistance, please email or call Sharon Delmar at (251) 368-9136 ext 2216

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