Mvskoke Phrases

Discover and preserve Mvskoke language

Mvskoke originated in the Southeast across the Creek Confederacy and has been vulnerable to forces that have threatened the Tribal languages in the U.S. This introduction provides steps to learn popular Mvskoke phrases.

Learn popular phrases

Hesci [hEEs-chay]

Hesci is the word for “hello” in the Muskogee language of the Creeks. Use it in written correspondence to greet or welcome your audience/reader.

(Your Name) cvhocefkvt os.
(Your Name) [Juh-ho-jif-guh-dose.]

This is how you say “My name is _______”

Mvto [muh-doh]

Mvto is the traditional interjection meant to express appreciation. Use it in place of “thank you”.

Hvtvm cehecares. [Huh-dum jEE-hEE-jah-thlEEs] (Pronounce “thlEEs” just like the ‘thle’ in the word ‘athlete.’)

Until I see you again. Literally translated, “I will see you again.” or the phrase can be shorted to: Cehecares. [Jee-hEE-jah-thlEEs]

Kvncvpketv [gun-jup-ghee-duh]

To keep yourself low to the ground; humble; taking care of plants and animals.

Vnokeckv [uh-no-gitch-guh]

Unconditional love and respect towards all.

Eyasketv [ee-yah-skee-duh]

To be meek and mild mannered.

Pow Wow

The Poarch Creek Indians uses the 2-word spelling of Pow Wow. Other tribes may refer to the event as Powwow.

Mvskoke [mus-kOH-gEE]

Mvskoke, Muskogee, and Muscogee are all accepted spellings.

Books & resources

Learn more about our spirit, strength, and perseverance through our featured books and resources, which highlight the history and story of the Poarch Creek Indians.


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