* The categorization and listing of departments on this website do not reflect the official organizational structure or hierarchy of the Tribal government.
The Robert McGhee Sells Education Department administers various education, employment and training programs. The function of the department is to further develop and improve the basic education skills of adult Tribal Citizens; upgrade and improve the academic performance of eligible Indian children; provide on-site work experience within tribal operations; provide support for academic and technical training for eligible participants. The Education Department administers several federal grants which include: Johnson O’Malley, Adult Education, Tribal Prep, and Basic Library. Each program has specific guidelines a person must meet in order to participate.
Sandra Hiebert
Education Director
Magen Weaver
Education Senior Manager
(251) 368-9136 Ext. 2021
The Recreation Department was established to promote health, wellness, and physical fitness for all Tribal and community members. The department manages the Tribe’s Recreational facilities, particularly the gymnasium, pool, weight room, and sports complex, which includes two t-ball fields, two softball fields, two baseball fields, and one football field surrounded by an asphalt track.
Eddie “Dinky” Jackson
Recreation Director
Bethany Crook
Recreation Administrative Assistant
(251) 368-9136 Ext. 2489
The Boys & Girls Club of the Poarch Creek Indians (the BGC) was the first Native American Boys & Girls Club in the state of Alabama, established in 2011. Our Mission is to enable young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. The BGC does this by providing a safe environment for children ages 6—18 to learn and have fun after school and during the summer. At BGC we serve children who are Tribal Citizens, First or Second Generation, and children of employees who work in Tribal Government.
Stephanie Agerton
Boys & Girls Club Director (BGC)
Krystie Jackson
BGC Administrative Assistant
(251) 368-9136 Ext. 2237
The goal of the Family Services Department is to promote the health, social, and emotional well-being of individual Poarch Creek Indians (PCI) Tribal Citizens and their families, and for members of other federally-recognized tribes residing within the designated service area for PCI. Programs such as day care assistance and protection for Tribal children through the Indian Child Welfare Act provide much needed help for the Tribe and its citizens.
The Family Services Department also oversees our Senior Services Department. The Senior Services Department is all about keeping our Tribal and community seniors involved in activities that keep their minds and bodies active.
There are limited employees available to provide transportation for PCI Tribal Citizens, with preference being given to those aged 55 and older, disabled or have a chronic medical condition requiring frequent treatments (example: dialysis or cancer treatments) and need assistance with traveling to scheduled appointments with medical providers. Patients must reside within the five-county service area (Escambia, Monroe, Baldwin, Mobile, Alabama, and Escambia, Florida) to be eligible for transportation. Patients are required to provide a 72-hour notice to the Transportation Department in order to ensure that appropriate preparations can be made, with the exception of emergencies and extenuating circumstances. Patients who reside within a 30-mile radius of the PCI Health Department can be picked up and brought to the Health Department for services. Tribal Citizens who reside further away than a 30-mile radius will be responsible for obtaining their own transportation to the Health Department. Contact the Health Department to obtain transportation services.
Amanda Montgomery
Family Services Director
Shelly Rogers
Family Services Clerk
(251) 368-9136 Ext. 2600
Cynthia Wright
Senior Services Manager
(251) 368-9136 Ext. 2617
In accordance with the constitution, which was adopted on June 1,1985, the Poarch Creek Indians is governed by a nine member elected Tribal Council. A fulltime staff is employed to provide administrative support for the operation of the Tribal government and programs.
For Tribal Bill Pay login assistance, contact Candy Byrd at (251) 368-9136 ext 2006 or cbyrd@pci-nsn.gov
The Roundhouse is accessible to Tribal Citizens and Tribal Government Employees only. For login assistance, please email theroundhouse@pci-nsn.gov or call Sharon Delmar at (251) 368-9136 ext 2216