Frequently Asked Questions

Our goal is to empower everyone with clear, accessible information, reflecting our commitment to transparency, education, and community engagement.

Here, we provide answers to commonly asked questions about our Tribe and our government including community services, cultural programs, enrollment processes, and more. This resource is designed to support both our Tribal Citizens and the broader public in understanding the governance, traditions, and services of our Tribe. Please browse through the questions below to find the information you need, and feel free to reach out to us for further assistance.

What is a Tribal Government?

A Tribal Government is the governing body of a Native American Tribe, responsible for leadership, legislation, and the welfare of its citizens.

How is a Tribal Government different from the U.S. Federal or State Government?

Tribal Governments have sovereign authority, recognized by the federal government, over their lands and members. While they collaborate with federal and state governments, they operate independently.

Who can become a Poarch Creek Indians Tribal Citizen?

Membership of the Poarch Indians shall consist of:

  • All persons enumerated or recognized by the Poarch Band of Creek Indians Tribal Council as Indian on the following official documents:
  • 1870 U.S. Census of Escambia County, Alabama;
  • 1900 U.S. Census of Escambia County, Alabama; and
  • 1900 U.S. Special Indian Census of Monroe County, Alabama.

You can view more by viewing our Tribal Constitution.

How can I learn about the Poarch Creek Indians’ history and culture?

Our website offers a section dedicated to the history and culture of our Tribe. You can also purchase our coffee table book, Woven Together: The Story of the Poarch Creek Indians at our Museum gift shop or view the digital version on our website.

Are non-Tribal citizens allowed to attend Tribal events or ceremonies?

Some events, such as our Annual Thanksgiving Pow Wow and the Southeastern Indian Festival, are open to the public, while others are private ceremonies or events for Tribal Citizens only. Public event details can be found by visiting our calendar of events.

Can non-Tribal citizens live on Tribal lands?

Policies vary, but non-Tribal citizens may need special permissions to live on Tribal lands. Please consult our Housing Department for housing inquiries at (251) 368-9136 extension 2251,

How do the Poarch Creek Indians handle law enforcement and justice?

Our Tribe has its own police department and court system. They work very closely with neighboring jurisdictions to enforce Tribal, city, state, and federal laws and ordinances.

Are there educational or cultural programs/opportunities available to non-Tribal citizens?

Some programs, like traditional arts or language classes, are open to the public. However, certain educational benefits or scholarships are reserved for Poarch Creek Indian Tribal Citizens. You can contact our Cultural Department at (251) 368-9136 x 2656 or and our Education Department at (251) 368-9136 x 2021 or

How do the Poarch Creek Indians handle healthcare and social services?

Our Tribe has its own Health Clinic and Family Services Department to cater to the needs of our Tribal Citizens. Some services are available to non-Tribal citizens depending on availability and funding.

What employment opportunities can be found within the Poarch Creek Indians?

Our Human Resources Department regularly posts job openings. Check out our Human Resources section to see current openings.

How do I verify my Tribal Citizenship?

Please contact our Tribal Enrollment Department at

How do I change my contact information with the Tribe?

Contact our Tribal Member Benefits Department.

How do I obtain/replace my Tribal ID?

Please contact our Tribal Enrollment Department at

Are there educational scholarships available for Tribal Citizens?

Yes, we offer educational scholarships and programs. Contact our Education Department at (251) 368-9136 x 2021 or for application details.

How can I access healthcare services?

Tribal Citizens can utilize our Tribal Health Clinic. Call the Health Clinic at (251) 368-9136 ext. 2300 for more information.

What employment opportunities exist within the Poarch Creek Indians?

Our Human Resources Department regularly posts job openings. Check out our Human Resources section of the website to see current openings. Tribal Citizens can also access employment assistance programs. Contact our Tribal Employment Rights Office at (251) 368-9136 x 2029 or for more information

How do I participate in Tribal Council meetings or elections?

The Tribal Council has regular meetings that are open to the public. Check our calendar on The Roundhouse for dates and times. Election information, including how to vote or run for office, can also be found on The Roundhouse. Contact for your login information.

Are there cultural and language preservation programs available?

We offer various programs and classes through our Cultural Department. Visit their page or contact them at (251) 368-9136 x 3656 or for more information.

How do I access social services that may be available to me?

Our Family Services Department provides support in various areas, from childcare to elder care to crisis loans. Please contact them at (251) 368-9136 x 2600 or for more information.

What are my rights and responsibilities as a Tribal Citizen?

Citizens have rights protected by our Tribal Constitution and bylaws. Detailed information is available by viewing our Tribal Constitution.


Get access

For Tribal Bill Pay login assistance, contact Candy Byrd at (251) 368-9136 ext 2006 or

The Roundhouse is accessible to Tribal Citizens and Tribal Government Employees only. For login assistance, please email or call Sharon Delmar at (251) 368-9136 ext 2216

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