Archive 2016 | “Giving Back” Video Portrait​

Susie Wilson

Susie Wilson


“Poarch made a contribution to MANE’s therapeutic riding programs. This helped us build the Poarch Creek Arena, which we named out of gratitude for them. The riders and volunteers, the staff, and even the horses have benefitted from their kindness and generosity. Every time someone makes a difference in our community, it makes the community stronger.”

—  Susie Wilson, Board of Directors, MANE (Montgomery Area Non-Traditional Equestrians)

MANE provides therapeutic riding for people with physical, cognitive, and developmental disabilities from children to wounded warriors. Animals have a way of endearing riders. They’re non-judgmental, even loving. Bonding with the horse and participating in equine-related activities can open new worlds for people with challenges, making them feel whole, rather than limited by their disabilities.
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