Archive 2016 | “Giving Back” Video Portrait​

Ruth Harrell & Chris Griffin

Ruth Harrell & Chris Griffin


“The Tribe’s involvement gives us a sense of community. It reminds us that we’re not only concerned about the revenue that comes from healthcare in our county, but that we must also do whatever we can do to give back to the people whose needs go beyond what can be provided in an inpatient facility. With Poarch, we are making a difference.”

—  Chris Griffin & Ruth Harrell, Wheels of Wellness

Founded in 2006, Wheels of Wellness is a transportation system that shuttles high risk and underserved pediatric patients and expectant mothers to and from healthcare appointments and treatments both locally and outside rural Escambia County—wherever specialty care is needed. Without this service, many of the county’s residents wouldn’t be able to make the trip. To date, WOW has provided approximately 1,400 trips, totaling over 166,000 miles traveled.
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