Poarch Creek Indians’ Support Helps Keep Alabama Children Safe

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The Poarch Creek Indians have supported Children First for many years. Children First, a non-profit, non-partisan group of statewide leaders, serves as a driving force to shape public policy and enhance the quality of life for the children and families in Alabama.

The Tribe donates $25,000 annually to help this important mission. The Tribe also believes in the spirit of volunteerism with this organization with Robbie McGhee, Poarch Creek Indians Vice Chair and Chief Governmental Affairs Officer, serving on their board.

“The funds donated by the Poarch Creek Indians are used to support our lobbying arm of Children First, ” said Katie Jeter, executive director for the organization. “These funds are crucial to our mission to advocate for Alabama children in the legislature. Without these funds, we would not be able to do the work that we do.”

For more than 29 years, Children First has served as the only children’s organization in the state of Alabama that has one job — protecting children. They work diligenty for change relating to children and children’s services, including working with lawmakers to ensure children are kept as the main priority when working on legislation.

“The Tribe’s support enables Children First to advocate for Alabama children in the state house daily, ” said Jeter. Currently, they are advocating for Alabama foster children, working to regulate the vape industry and the harmful vape products that are making children sick, along with advocating for working Alabama families by helping with tax credits for childcare, and many other issues around the state. They also monitor more than 150 pieces of legislation that directly affect children.

The main piece of legislation the organization works on each year is the Children First Trust Fund, which allocates around $40 million dollars to Alabama state departments that directly support children. Children First also works very closely with these state departments and other organizations supporting these efforts.

For more information on Children First, visit alabamachildrenfirst.com.


About the Poarch Band of Creek Indians
The Poarch Band of Creek Indians is the only federally recognized tribe in Alabama. From hospitality to aerospace, we continue to operate in a variety of industries across the World. Read more about our Tribe at pci-nsn.gov.


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