Archive 2016 | Giving Back Video Portrait

Anissa Clay

Anissa Clay

Archive 2016

“With the contributions from Poarch, we have been able to give more families heat and light for the winter. We also received school supplies that we were able to put directly into the classrooms for the teachers’ and children’s use— markers, crayons, paper, and pencils. It means so much when you’re struggling to stretch the limited resources that you have.”
—Anissa Clay, Head Start Educational Director, Montgomery Community Action Committee & CDC Inc.

MCAC & CDC has served Montgomery County’s low-income residents since 1965, building a stronger community through federally funded programs such as Head Start, which provides educational services for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. This nonprofit is an advocate for people of all ages and is dedicated to the prevention of poverty by helping individuals seek self-sufficiency.